On Monday of week 9 two Panamax vessels arrived in the Deep Port in Kokkola: the brand new m/s Admiral Schmidt and m/s Nordic Odyssey.
On Monday of week 9 two Panamax vessels arrived in the Deep Port in Kokkola; the brand new m/s Admiral Schmidt (in front) and m/s Nordic Odyssey (in the background).
ADMIRAL SCHMIDT: This robust Panamax vessel was built in 2019, an it is registered in the Bahamas. The deadweight of Admiral Schmidt is 107,000 ton, and its length is 249.97 meters and width 43.08 meters.
NORDIC ODYSSEY: this vessel is registered in Panama and sails under that country’s flag. Built in 2010, Nordic Odyssey’s deadweight is 75,603 ton, length 225 meters and width 32.31 meters.