-2 °C

4 m/s (Southwest)

-5 cm

Vessel Services

More than 600 vessels annually call the port of Kokkola and their total tonnage is almost 3 million net tons. More than 50 of these are of Panamax and Capesize class and these big vessels transport about 50 percent of all the goods traffic of our port.

Harbour Master (PFSO)

Tomas Mikkola
Tel. + 358 50 5725 514

Lines Men

Tel. +358 40 0432 694

Vessel Services Prices

Port and terminal information book 4.4.2024


Mooring and unmooring

Port of Kokkola offer mooring and unmooring, transfer and hauling of vessels 24/7.

Services to be ordered from the Dock Masters at the latest 2 h in advance, tel: +358 400 432694 or email: satamavalvojat@portofkokkola.fi

Water supply

This service should be ordered from the Dock Masters, tel. +358 400 432694 or email satamavalvojat@portofkokkola.fi

Waste disposal

Port of Kokkola receives solid and oily waste from the vessels and provides proper handling jointly with the waste management company.

Prior to delivering any sorted waste to the Port, the vessel should contact the port services, either through the ship’s agent or directly the Dock Masters, tel. +358 400 432694 or email satamavalvojat@portofkokkola.fi. All waste containers are closed and the will be opened for sorted wasted from a vessel at an appointed time.

Washing of holds

Washing services are available by outsourced supplier. Orders and prices through the ship’s agent.


Oy Yxpila Hinaus – Bogsering Ab offers towage services. Towage should be ordered directly from the towage company by the ship’s agent or the vessel, tel. +358 10 2190750

Ice Breaking

Ice breaker service should be ordered from the Dock Masters 2 hours prior to the departure of the vessel, tel +358 400 432694. Ice breaking in front of the quay area will be performed automatically by the Port prior to the arrival of the vessel.


Pilotage is compulsory and available 24/7. The pilot embarks the vessel 3.5 nautical miles north-northwest of Tankar Lighthouse The pilot’s VHF channel is 16.

Arriving vessels must give advance notice 12 hours prior to arrival and order pilot 3 hours before arrival, by email or phone.

Email: pilotorder.west@finnpilot.fi
Tel.: +358 (0) 400 907 979
Web site: www.pilotonline.fi

Departing vessels should order the pilot 2 hours before departure, directly or through the ship’s agent.


Welding, diving, life boat drill, painting main engine dismantling/overhaul permits should be ordered by 

email: satama@portofkokkola.fi

Satama-alueen turvallisuusohjeet Kokkolan Satama