Panamax of Week 32, Kendra Oldendorff
M/s KENDRA OLDENDORFF. This Panamax vessel is built in 2019, flies the flag of Portugal and has a deadweight of on 81,400 ton. M/s Kendra Oldendorff is 229 metres long and 32 metres wide.

Panamax of Week 34, Artvin
M/s ARTVIN. This Panamax vessel is built in 2001, flies the flag of Malta and has a deadweight of 81,827 ton.
M/s Artvinis 229 metres long and 32.28 metres wide.

Panamax of Week 37, Medi Sydney
M/s Medi Sydney loaded in the Deep Port of Kokkola in week 37.
MEDI SYDNEY. M/s Medi Sydney is built in 2015. This Panamax vessel flies the flag of Panama and has a deadweight of 81 661 ton. She is is 228.99 metres long and 32,26 metres wide.