Port of Kokkola organized an adventure trip to the PowerPark Amusement Park for Ukrainian children on the occasion of the UN’s International Day of Charity, 5th September
Millions of Ukrainians have had to leave their homes because of the war of that Russia started in February. So far, more than 300 families who fled the war have arrived in Kokkola from Ukraine. Children suffer the most from war.
Nearly a hundred Ukrainian children and their parents had a relaxing day out at Alahärmä PowerPark Amusement Park on the first Saturday in September, a trip organized by Port of Kokkola Ltd.

— A really great day. The roller coaster and the rotating rides were particularly fun, the children described their feelings when they arrived back in Kokkola.
LAccording to the childrens’ parents, events like this are important for many reasons. One reason, of course, is that a carefree day at an amusement park takes children thoughts away from everyday life, where, in addition to war events, the sounds of fireworks and thunderstorms are a cause of anxiety.
– We adults got to know each other during the day. Families come from all over Ukraine, and we don’t know each other before. Communication locally will be easier going forward. A warm thank you to the Port of Kokkola for this opportunity, and after this it would be interesting to get to know more about the port, the parents said.

Artur Boutov, a student in Kokkola, working as a volunteer assisting Ukrainians, helped in the organization of the trip. His father is Ukrainian and mother is Finnish.
– The day out was very well received. It was absolutely amazing that I was able to offer such an event for Ukrainian families on behalf of the port.
Hundreds of Ukrainians have escaped the war to Kokkola, and their number is constantly increasing.
– They like to live in Kokkola. A big thank you belongs to the volunteer network, which has helped the newcomers settle down. Some adults are already employed and the children are excited to start school. As the everyday begins to go smoothly, the worries become smaller, Boutov said.

According to him, 95 % of Ukrainians want to return to their home country as soon as possible. For the rest, it is not possible.
– They no longer have a home or home country to return to, Boutov refers, for example, to residents of Mariupol and those how have escaped from occupied areas.
In addition to Artur Boutov, Alexandra Haapala, Marketing Secretary and Mika Suvanto, Sales Manager of Port of Kokkola, were there taking care of the practical arrangements.